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  6. 3M™ Zeta Plus™ Encapsulated System Filter Capsule with VR Series Media

3M™ Zeta Plus™ Encapsulated System Filter Capsule with VR Series Media

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Complete technical, regulatory and validation support.

Regulatory support files detail filter media regulatory compliance and safety data.

Provides added level of validatable viral clearance.

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  • Complete technical, regulatory and validation support
  • Regulatory support files detail filter media regulatory compliance and safety data
  • Provides added level of validatable viral clearance
  • Economical ‘bolt-on’ separation technology as adjunct or prefilter to other viral clearance steps
  • Can replace or augment chromatography columns or function as prefilter to final virus removal membrane filter

3M™ Zeta Plus™ Encapsulated System Filter Capsule with VR Series Media aids in the reduction of certain viruses from biological fluids. Our capsules are available in a range of sizes.

3M™ Zeta Plus™ Encapsulated System Filter Capsule with VR Series Media contains a mixture of high surface area inorganic particles, cellulose, and a positively charged crosslinking polymer. This positive charge enhanced depth filtration combines mechanical entrapment and anion exchange for improved removal of many negatively charged contaminants.

Pharmaceutical Grade Product

Our Zeta Plus VR Series Filter Capsules, from laboratory capsules to production capsules, are used in biological applications where virus reduction is essential.

All components of construction including the filtration media have been tested to demonstrate compliance to USP Class VI Biological Reactivity, in-vivo. These results are documented and available in a Regulatory Support File.

3M Purification Inc. Quality Management System is approved by an accredited registering body to the ISO 9001:2008 and ISO 13485:2003 Quality Management Systems. The manufacturing process, quality controls and regulatory oriented compliance reports are documented in a Drug Master File on record with the FDA. Every manufacturing lot of Zeta Plus VR Series media is quality release tested for ion exchange capacity using a charged dye.

Combined with the larger production scale capsules, 3M Zeta Plus Encapsulated System offers a completely single-use depth filter solution to process from 100 ml to 25,000 L of liquid.

Vorgeschlagene Anwendungen
  • Verwendung für die Reduktion bestimmter Viren bei der Filtration von Flüssigkeiten in der Biologie und Pharmazie



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